Book, ride, and track your taxi from your mobile device!Open Taxis Chicago dispatches all the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAV) in Chicago serving
Book, ride, and track your taxi from your mobile device!
Open Taxis Chicago dispatches all the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAV) in Chicago serving the City of Chicago and all the airports.
Discover the future of taxi booking with Open Taxis Chicago. Book, ride, and track your taxi from your mobile device!
▪ Schedule your trip through the mobile booking agent. Track who the driver is and where the vehicle is located on a GPS map, and watch the driver travel to you.
▪ Communicate directly with your driver through in-app messaging, and be notified when your driver has arrived. No more waiting on the sidewalk searching for your cab!
▪ Track your previous trips and easily repeat them
Ride smarter. Ride faster. Download Open Taxis Chicago!